Hiring 3 Student Interns!

We’re hiring!

Safe Families Toronto is looking for 3 post-secondary students to join our team for the summer.

Applicants must be:

  • full-time students intending to return to their studies in the fall;
  • between 15-30 years of age; and
  • preferably studying in one of the following areas: Social Services / Social Work, Child & Youth Worker, International Development, Personal Support Worker, Journalism or Communications, Counselling, Early Childhood Education, Community Services, Non-profit management

Interns will get experience in all aspects of our local program, from administration and communications to dealing directly with our volunteers and the families-in-crisis that we serve. Each is a paid position lasting seven weeks at 30 hours a week, and start dates are flexible.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in finding out more or applying immediately for one of the positions, please e-mail info@safefamilies.ca with “Student Intern” in the subject line and your resume and cover letter attached.